Wednesday, October 3, 2012

September Favorites

With little man starting first grade and my schedule at work changing to accomodate afternoon pick-ups, it was a crazy month. I did have a few things I used a lot of this month as we fell back into the school routine.

Happy October!

1. NYM Beach Babe sea salt texturizing spray. I've already done a full review of it here. Suffice it to say, a month of early mornings and my general laziness about my hair resulted in a complete codependency and obsession with this spray. It spent half of the month in my purse, that's how much I love it.

Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray -- 8 fl oz
photo courtesy of

2. Bath and Body Works "Twilight Woods" body spray. I've kind of been on a "use what you have before you buy more" kick with regards to perfumes and such lately. This was one I used a ton last fall and started using again last months. To me, it's just such an autumny scent. Deep without being heavy and one of the more "grown up" scents at BBW.

Twilight Woods Fragrance Mist - Signature Collection - Bath & Body Works
photo courtesy of

3. Revlon ColorStay foundation. We fell in love hard and fast and I haven't been using much else since. I find that this just wears so amazingly on my skin and gives me the full coverage I love without being cakey. I apply it with a stippling brush because it dries super fast. AMAZING drugstore foundation.

ColorStay Makeup With Softflex for Combination/Oily Skin
photo courtesy of
4. Revlon ColorStay Eyeliner in Blackberry. Such a pretty eyeliner. It's got the long wearing quality of the ColorStay line in a much more wearable and appropriate for fall burgundy/berry color. It can look slightly purpley depending on how you wear it, but it's DARK and a great alternative to black. I usually layer Lancome eyeshadow in Click (an all time favorite!) over it for a total blackened berry eyeliner look. Super pretty!

ColorStay Eyeliner
photo courtesy of

5. NYM Way to Grow Shampoo and Conditioner. Again, I've done a full review of these here. If the amazing scent doesn't get you, the condition it leaves your hair in will. I don't think I've ever used something from a drugstore that leaves my hair feeling so happy and strong, without feeling weighed down. Definitely a holy grail set here.
Not Your Mother's Way To Grow Long and Strong Conditioner -- 8 fl oz
Not Your Mother's Way To Grow Long and Strong Shampoo -- 8 fl oz
photo courtesy of


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